Emergency Eye Care
Symptoms that are considered an eye emergency include:
Decreased vision esp. sudden onset
Pain in eyes
Corneal abrasion (scratch on clear part of your eye)
Foreign object in the eye
Chemical contact in the eye
Sudden onset of flashes or floaters or curtain like shadow over your visual field
Loss of field of vision
Distorted vision where straight lines become wavy
Redness and discharge
If you are experiencing any of the above symptoms, call 416-972-0080 for an emergency appointment.
When you experience foreign objects in your eyes
Do not attempt to remove the object or rub your eyes. Call us for an emergency appointment or go to your nearest hospital emergency.
When you experience chemical in your eyes
Flush your eyes with cool, clean water best using eye saline for at least 20 minutes. Make sure you do this for the full 20 minutes, even if you are not experiencing any pain, in order to rinse away any residual chemicals left in the eyes that could cause further damage. After flushing your eyes, call us for an emergency appointment or go to your nearest hospital emergency.